Subject Lines: 6 essential Guidelines to remember

Published June 28, 2023
Author: Ash Khan

Subject Lines: 6 essential Guidelines to remember

Published June 28, 2023
Author: Ash Khan

The finest subject lines in email marketing convey what is inside the email.

It’s true: email open rates aren’t as important to marketers as they once were. To get your reader to the real substance of your email — to convert them — you must first convince them to open the email. Their involvement begins with a subject line that piques their interest, one that they will not simply swipe and delete. 


Having trouble writing open-worthy subject lines and your campaigns constantly seem to sink into a puddle of unsuccessful marketing? Don’t panic – you’re not alone, we are here for you. Email subject lines should be on the minds of email marketers since they are closely related to open rates. A subject line begins a reader’s experience with an email campaign. However, in an increasingly distracted world, it may also terminate it if it isn’t compelling enough.


Important considerations for subject lines

Individual subscribers and developing email patterns are two essential elements to consider when building campaigns. Never forget that people are seeing your emails in their inboxes. Thus, it’s crucial to remember that there’s more than a statistic on the other end. The second point is that businesses must be able to quickly respond to changes in technology, marketing, and conversational trends. Because of the dynamic nature of both human nature and advertising, subject line best practices will always develop, thus it is up to you to keep current. 


Six engagement guidelines

The idea is to produce outstanding subject lines that captivate your readers and get your emails opened. Here’s what you should think about when trying to design open-worthy subject lines for today’s busy inboxes.


Keep your subject lines brief

Subject lines should be as brief as feasible while yet including enough information to convey your point. It’s useful to know which email clients your subscribers use, but this isn’t always possible. Remember that until the viewer slides the notice down, mobile apps like Gmail will often shorten anything after 40 characters. 

Segment your list

Do not send the same generic subject line to everyone on your list. Instead, split your list based on distinct demographics or behaviours to develop more targeted email subject lines for certain groups. This segmentation of your email subject lines should significantly increase your open rates.

Make it personal

People demand tailored content. Aside from employing each subscriber’s name, the greatest subject lines for open rates are created by combining unique information about places or hobbies. This should be information that your subscribers have freely supplied with you, straight to you – zero-party data.

Be specific while remaining concise

People will not take the time to consider whether your email would be of interest to them. Make it clear what’s inside straight away by being detailed in your subject line.

Use action-oriented language 

Make your pitch clear from the start – what action do you want your audience to take? What exactly do you want them to do? Eat, shop, contribute, wear, unwind, and listen? Use verbs that let readers imagine themselves acting. However, avoid using spam terms.

Send emails at the correct time

When looking at email data by day, it appears that there isn’t a lot of variation in how emails perform on a particular day. We eventually discovered that weekdays, as usual, perform the best. Furthermore, the weekend has the lowest involvement rates.

The best days to send emails


Monday had the highest email open rate (22.0%).

Tuesday had the greatest click-through rate (2.4%).

Wednesday and Tuesday had the greatest click-to-open rates (10.8%).

Throughout the week, email unsubscribe rates were nearly comparable (0.1%).


Worst days for email sending

Sunday has the lowest email open rates (20.3%).

Saturday and Sunday had the lowest click-through rates (2.1%).

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday had the lowest click-to-open rates (10.1%).

While this data is valuable for academic purposes, you should carefully examine your audience and do email testing before shutting entire days off your campaign calendar.


Create attention-grabbing subject lines that lead to conversions

To generate effective subject lines, test, optimise, and enhance them. Use these fundamental brainstorming ideas, but don’t use this list as a set of processes for each subject line. Instead, switch up your standard subject lines and try some variants from this list to discover what your target audience reacts to best.

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