VOIP services are the new digital needs to any business! Microsoft Teams’ offers efficient ways, not only to communicate with your Teams and your customers, but outside your business world too, over 65 countries to spread it wide.

During world pandemic i.e. Covid-19, we all have moved to several platforms to collaborate with our teams.

Initially, Zoom became one of the popular platforms for conducting meetings, online classes, and workshops.

Many small or large businesses have been using Zoom and Slack for collaboration and have been able to manage their work efficiently. But does it really provide all the features that Microsoft Teams is offering?  I do not think so!

Slack’s features are quite easy to understand and is mostly used to chat with people. Zoom on the other hand became a very popular app among workers as allows smooth and reliable video chats.

Using Microsoft Teams is a bit bloated with lots of features that might not be used by owners. But, the task management feature, called as planner which enables us to organize our tasks.

Microsoft made their name in technology because of one word. Maybe it is oversimplifying a multi-billion-dollar company, but the word is integration.

Outlook is integrated with Word which is integrated with Teams. Microsoft Teams Integration is the unique feature that keeps us all connected and everything is just a click away.

As we all know about this pandemic (hope it ends soon), in this crucial time we need integration now more than ever.

If I can click once to start a meeting with 10 people instead of sending them the link, I’ll take it.

Google is the closest to Microsoft in terms of making it all work in a fluid and intuitive sense, but Google Meet is not even in the same league as of Teams. If only it were not so! I prefer Google Docs over the online version of Microsoft Word, and Gmail (as part of Google Workspace, which used to be called G-Suite) is much better than Microsoft Outlook, especially for those of us who never delete an email and rely on an inbox search every five seconds.

For now, easily starting a video chat (and adding a team) in Microsoft Teams and integration with Outlook for scheduling group chats is winning me over.

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