A Logo is a graphic design or image that represents or symbolizes a company, business or organization. A Logo is the trademark of a company, brand recognition of a company. A company or business can easily be recognized through their logos. Different companies design their logos related to their products, so that people may get to know about their business, services on viewing the logo. Now a day’s many logos have become an emblem of recognition for their company. e.g. Nike, MacDonald’s, Coca-Cola, IBM. People quickly recognize these things even on hearing these names.

Today in this fast world, where everything is passing quickly, no one has enough time to sit and think about the ideas that how can they impress their customers. So they believe simplicity the better way of impressing.

They think that the logo should be simple but stylish to catch the attention of the customer. The logo design should be easily memorable for the people. The cost of logo design also varies, according to the size and graphic designing which is to be used in that logo. More colours and detailing are a bit hard to design; it is time taking and cost more. So many people go the pre design logos, because they are affordable. There are many companies who sell these logos. They have already designed a large collection of logos. If a customer like anyone of them related to his field, he can buy it.  but you have to be very careful about buying these logos, as they are pre designed so they can be owned by many other companies. You are not the only owner of this logo.

There are two types of logo designing. The first one is Text logos; they are in different forms and shapes of text. It leaves different impression upon the minds of customers. E.g. flowing typed text conveys the image of waves, the thick typed text represents strength, and slanted type text shows motion and movement. The name of your company typed in the above mentioned ways can be the logo of your company.

The second type is Symbol Logos; a symbol or image is used as a logo. the symbol is less direct unlike the text and leaves different interpretations for the viewers about the business. E.g. The image or symbol should represent your company name or it should represent your business.

There is another type of logo designing i.e. Text and symbol logos; sometimes only symbol or words are not enough to define the clear purpose of business. So symbol with a little bit of detail or abbreviation is used in the logo, to make a clear sense of that logo.

If you are planning to design a logo you must choose the colour for your logo, it should be captivating to grab attention of the viewer. Choose the above stated logo types, which one you want, but make sure that it should be related to your business. There are so many logo designing companies but IT Company provides you the designs that is specifically for you and your company’s need. They have the most talented graphic designers that understand the requirement of the clients. For more designing details please visit:

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