New Google Workspace update will help you manage cloud storage 

Published May 1, 2022
Author: Ash Khan

New Google Workspace update will help you manage cloud storage 

Published May 1, 2022
Author: Ash Khan

The recent Google workspace update will help users with effective cloud management 

Anyone who has worked in any organization knows that cloud storage management can be a real nightmare sometimes. Admins have to deal with entire seasons of tv shows uploaded on the cloud to someone lazy enough not to delete anything, thus resulting in cloud storage cramming. 

Well, the good news Google has made this less irritating for Google Workspace users. 

In a recent blog entry, the tech giant has proclaimed quite compelling changes to allow admins for more effective cloud storage management and more space in the workspace (pun intended). 

The admins can monitor the organization usage summary including product-specific usage. So, if someone has uploaded all 10 seasons of “Friends” that will be in the video folder, then there is a document or Gmail section. On the top of storage will be shared files storage. 

Here on top, admins can manage and delete files based on storage usage. Admins can also apply space limits for users who hog up the cloud stage. There would be detailed storage usage reports available for their convenience. 

In short, this is a long-awaited update for administrators who have to manage any organization’s network. 

This Google workspace update will allow more user autonomy as admins will have more control over the storage control setting so they can decide who gets storage access and to what extent. This is something right now only super admins have control over.   

These changes add more welcome features for organizations who use Google workspace, now that Google is gearing up to compete against Microsoft and other software whales. 

Storage space dilemma is every admin’s Achilles heel. It keeps running low, keeps getting overflown by futile files, and since there is no restriction on usage employees love exploiting it. 

Google workspace is offering up to 5TB storage. Which is very spacious storage, but we all know they will get filled considering employees’ storage usage. 

These updates will further improve Google’s efficiency, making it a more feasible option for large enterprises and multinational organizations. 

Ever since Microsoft marked Google updates as malicious activity. We can see there’s an air of locked-horns situation between the two companies. Google is shifting tides to make workspace and cloud the first choice for big corps and from the looks of it – is succeeding! 

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